Adult Faith formation or
RCIA (Right of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Welcome Adults who are interested in learning more about the
Catholic Church!
Do you want to join the Catholic Church?
Would you like to receive preparation for Confirmation and/ or Communion?
Are you Christian and would like to explore Catholicism?
Great! You are at the right place!
Catholic Church!
Do you want to join the Catholic Church?
Would you like to receive preparation for Confirmation and/ or Communion?
Are you Christian and would like to explore Catholicism?
Great! You are at the right place!
Adult Faith Formation or RCIA at St. Luke prepares adults for their Sacraments:
Baptism - 2 year Program
Confirmation/Communion - 1 year program
as well as providing a place for those returning to their faith to reconnect.
Pre-registration is required and can join at any time.
Please print and return the Adult Inquirer Information Form to the Parish Office along with a copy of your Baptism Certificate (if Baptized) or Birth Certificate.
You can contact us at 623-582-0561 or email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Baptism - 2 year Program
Confirmation/Communion - 1 year program
as well as providing a place for those returning to their faith to reconnect.
Pre-registration is required and can join at any time.
Please print and return the Adult Inquirer Information Form to the Parish Office along with a copy of your Baptism Certificate (if Baptized) or Birth Certificate.
You can contact us at 623-582-0561 or email [email protected] if you have any questions.
RCIA will start with Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible – Ascension ( we will continue with The Biblical Walk Through The Mass beginning in January, 9 2024 and will meet every Tuesday from 6:30 - 8:30 pm in the parish Hall.
These classes are open to all members of the parish.
These classes are open to all members of the parish.
Click here to ePara el programa de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) favor de comunicarse con

Formato de Informacion Para us Solicitante Adulto |
RCIA CLass Material
Dear RCIA / Adult Formation members,
Below you will find the readings that we cover in our sessions.
Read the readings from the last session. Reflect on each of them and ask yourself: What do I learn from this reading about God, myself, and the meaning of life?
For sharing in the group, choose ONE reading. Prepare to share your thoughts in 2-3 sentences based on ONE of the three questions (below). Never worry about sounding brilliant. It matters to the rest of us that you speak from the heart.
Based ONLY on this reading, what can I say about…
2…myself / humans?
3…what life is about? / …the meaning of life?
Below you will find the readings that we cover in our sessions.
Read the readings from the last session. Reflect on each of them and ask yourself: What do I learn from this reading about God, myself, and the meaning of life?
For sharing in the group, choose ONE reading. Prepare to share your thoughts in 2-3 sentences based on ONE of the three questions (below). Never worry about sounding brilliant. It matters to the rest of us that you speak from the heart.
Based ONLY on this reading, what can I say about…
2…myself / humans?
3…what life is about? / …the meaning of life?
COnfirmation SaintChoosing a confirmation name is an important step on the path to living a devoted, holy life in the Catholic Church. Your confirmation name, typically the name of a saint, will serve both as a reminder to your commitment to God and as your inspiration for being a steward of the church. There are many methods for choosing a saint's name, such as picking based on shared traits and skills or finding your patron saint based on your birthday. The most important thing to keep in mind, however, is that you should think deeply and pray about your confirmation name.
Before you choose, take a look at the Saints we have at St. Luke. |
As promised by Fr. Pawel, here are some of the basics of our faith that you NEED to will be discussing this information in session..
Next RCIA Sessions
Sunday April 3 6:15 pm
Sunday April 10 6:15 pm
Sunday April 3 6:15 pm
Sunday April 10 6:15 pm
Sunday Feb 27
Please watch the following 2 videos and answer the questions.
Please watch the following 2 videos and answer the questions.
Video 1 Our Father
The questions are included in the video. Please email all of the replies to [email protected]. |
Video 2 Stations of the Cross
Based on the video, choose 5 stations and write 1 sentence that comments on how this station applies to your life. Please email the 5 sentences to the parish office. |
Sunday Feb 20 worked off in February
Sunday Feb 13 worked off in January
Sunday Feb 6
Wedding at Cana John 2: 1-12
Jesus rejected at Nazareth Matthew 13: 54-58
Jesus accused by his family Mark 3: 20-22 and 3: 31-35
Jesus on the Cross John 19: 25-27
Mary receiving the Holy Spirit with thousands of her future children Acts 1: 12-14 and 2:1-14 and 2:41
Sun Jan 30, 2022
Jesus becomes man.
You can just read Matthew chapters 1 and 2 + Luke chapters 1 and 2
Or only:
Mt 1:18 to 2:23.
Lk 1;26-45; Lk 2:1-52
Sun Jan 23, 2022
Zacchaeus Lk 19: 1-10
the Prodigal Son Lk 15: 11-32
the sinful woman John 8: 2-11
Jesus eats with sinners Mt 9:9–13 or Mark 2:13–17 or Lk 5:27–32
Sun Jan 9, 2022
the tower of Babel Gen 11: 1-9
the Pentecost Acts 2: 1-13
the Body of Christ 1 Cor 12: 12-21
the final destination Psalm 150
Sunday Feb 13 worked off in January
Sunday Feb 6
Wedding at Cana John 2: 1-12
Jesus rejected at Nazareth Matthew 13: 54-58
Jesus accused by his family Mark 3: 20-22 and 3: 31-35
Jesus on the Cross John 19: 25-27
Mary receiving the Holy Spirit with thousands of her future children Acts 1: 12-14 and 2:1-14 and 2:41
Sun Jan 30, 2022
Jesus becomes man.
You can just read Matthew chapters 1 and 2 + Luke chapters 1 and 2
Or only:
Mt 1:18 to 2:23.
Lk 1;26-45; Lk 2:1-52
Sun Jan 23, 2022
Zacchaeus Lk 19: 1-10
the Prodigal Son Lk 15: 11-32
the sinful woman John 8: 2-11
Jesus eats with sinners Mt 9:9–13 or Mark 2:13–17 or Lk 5:27–32
Sun Jan 9, 2022
the tower of Babel Gen 11: 1-9
the Pentecost Acts 2: 1-13
the Body of Christ 1 Cor 12: 12-21
the final destination Psalm 150
Psalm 104 |

Dress code for
ALL in attendance:
Sunday’s Best should be observed
for both Men and Women.
Attire that is too revealing or too tight will not permitted and those dressed inappropriately will be asked to leave and change.